Carbon Filtration vs. Reverse Osmosis

Healthy water comes in different forms and variations, so when looking for the ultimate solution for our home, we want to find the best option for personal needs. Two of the most popular types of water treatment systems include carbon water filters and reverse osmosis filters. Deciding between the two starts with knowing how each filter works, what exactly gets filtered through them, and the pros and cons each one has.
What is Removed:
Carbon Filters
Carbon filtration is one of the oldest technologies on the planet. It has been used on and off for centuries, ever since the ancient Egyptians discovered that storing water in charcoal improved its taste and kept it fresh. The obvious benefit of a carbon filter is the size. Compared to RO filters which normally have three compartments while carbon filters are usually a single unit. This option for water filtration also tends to need little maintenance, and with little maintenance comes little cost. Besides, They are generally easy to install and commonly found in pitcher water filters. However, activated carbon cannot remove bacteria, viruses or dissolved solids that are found in tap water. They can also become contaminated with bacteria if they’re not changed approximately every six months.
Reverse Osmosis Filters
Reverse osmosis is a membrane technology. These thin-film composite membranes force water over a semi-permeable membrane. This superior purifying process provides the highest quality of water. RO filters can remove about 95 to 99 percent of bacteria, salts, and heavy metals found in the water supply. They can trap pollutants that are about 0.001 microns, which is 100,000 times smaller than a human hair’s width. As a result, if you’re looking for a water filter that can be better for your health, RO filter is an excellent option. Nevertheless, RO filters do a good job when it comes to removing harmful chemicals, some will argue that the process of reverse osmosis removes too much from water. Along with removing harmful bacteria, it removes the natural vitamins and minerals in water that can benefit our health.

If you can’t decide between having completely filtered water at a higher cost, or a more simple filter that requires less maintenance, there are water filters that combine carbon and reverse osmosis to give you the benefits of both systems.With EAGO, we offer an all-in-one complete home water purification system that uses our four-stage RO system and you won’t get stuck between choosing which benefits you will gain and lose with point-of-use filters. You will enjoy the benefits of cleaner, more tasteful water while remaining cost efficient.

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