Can I drink tap water in Taiwan?

People in Taiwan don't directly drink tap water come out of tap. People usually boil tap water first before drinking it. Water served in the restaurant has already been filtered and is safe to drink. Water fountain in Taiwan are equipped with water filter and are maintained regularly. In general, tap water is safe to drink in Taiwan, except in some industrial city such as Kaohsiung.

Why is it not recommended to drink tap water in Taiwan?
Not because water quality is bad in Taiwan. In fact, water quality in Taiwan is as good as many western countries and has reached the standard of direct drinking. However, water can be contaminated during transportation process. First of all, the pipelines are old and the rate of breaking is high, so contaminant to go through pipeline and get into our water during transportation process. 
Secondly, water towers are old and are not cleaned regularly. Therefore, those contaminant get through pipeline later then get stuck in the water tower.

Drinking water in Kaohsiung
Some people in Kaohsiung like to buy bottled water because they think tap water is not clean enough. However, bottled water is not only expensive but also not as clean as you thought. The quality of bottled water has always been vary a lot. Although the package of bottled water may said it is "mineral water" or "pure water", it may actually just tap water. Company such as Pepsico admitted their Aquafina bottle water is actually just tap water

How to get clean drinking water?
People in Taiwan usually boil tap water before drinking. However, boiling can only remove bacteria and chlorine in the water. Also, if the drinking water is not filtered, the bacteria, impurities, heavy metals or organic poisons that are killed during the boiling process may remain in the water and be drunk together. There may be health concerns in the long run. In order to get safe drinking water, doctor suggest that tap water should be filtered before boiling to filter out impurities, heavy metal ions, chlorine, organic poisons, etc. in the water. 

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