Your water need can be estimated through age and weight:
- under 30 years old:weight (kilogram) × 40=Recommended water intake (ml)
- 30 to 50 years old:weight (kilogram) × 35=Recommended water intake (ml)
- above 56 years old:weight (kilogram) × 30=Recommended water intake (ml)
This is just an estimated formula for your reference, but there are some more factors that affect your water need. Here are some people that need to drinks more water:
- People who exercise: When you do any activity that makes you sweat, you need to drink extra water to cover the fluid loss.
- Women, especially those who have to sit all day. Women have shorter urethra, thus, are more easily infected by bacteria, causing cystitis or urethritis.
- People with gout, urinary calculi, and kidney stones can drink more water, which can indirectly promote metabolism and help the body's waste such as uric acid and stones to be excreted.
- People with high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis should drink plenty of water in the morning to avoid myocardial infarction and stroke.
- People with diabetes tend to feel thirsty and should drink plenty of water, but no sugary drinks to prevent blood sugar from rising.
- People who have colds and constipation should also drink more water to help your body to get rid of bacteria.
So when should I drink water?
You can determine if you need to drink water through these 5 factor?
- 2 liter of water: You can prepare water bottles and filled with 2 liters of water and put them in front of you to remind yourself to drink enough water.
- The color of urine: If your urine is colorless or light yellow, then you probably already drink enough water. If your color urine is dark yellow, then you should consider drinking more water.
- Urine volume: In general, a person must excrete 1.4 to 1.5 liter of urine per day. If you go to toilet 5 to 7 times a day, then you might already drink enough water.
- Weight: From the formula above, we know how much water intake you need every day.
- Thirst: If you don't feel thirsty, then you probably already drink enough water.
Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Your body depends on water to survive. Not only the quantity of water, but the quality of water is also very important. A good water filter can ensure the quality and the cleanness of your drinking water.
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